
Poke Halloween Treats!

As Halloween nears all sorts of candy and treats are made for the day. And what a handful is here, each inspired by a Pokemon!

A Furret marshmallow, a cinnamon cookie decorated with the likes of Arcanine, a Rattata gumball, an Arbok cake roll, a Zoro…phox krispie treat and a saltwater Vaporeon taffy!

And so many more!


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I have a secret project for Halloween and I’d like to add others from the Poke community in it

I am going to be working on it for the first two weeks of October, depending on a few things, along side any plot for this blog. Its going to involve everyone on my blog which is only about five characters. So I would like to ask if anyone wants any of their characters to be added in it.

This project is SFW and does not require participation beyond sending a reference or reblogging this post.

Participation is completely optional, I was planning on just my characters but wanted to include other’s with their permission. At most I just need their reference or a link to one.

References can be submitted by reblog of this post or DM.

Up to two characters from a blog can be added to the project (it might be reduced to one depending on how many want to join in).

Any questions can be asked by PM, I want to keep this as secret as possible.

I will post the project as early as October 20th and as late as the 25th.

heres me bois

my son…