Moonlight’s Easter Surprise!



What? Im doing this too early? Well I just cant wait!

Originally Inspired from this post

Last year’s Easter Surprise (Late tho)

Moonlight (And Mod) Is just to anxious to wait that shes delivering eggs early!

How do i enter this event?: You must be either a Pokemon or Daily blog to enter. Reblog this post and you will officially enter this event! Likes do not count as entries.

What does this event consist?: Moonlight will be going around peoples submit boxes gifting people a pokemon egg that containes a baby pokemon compleatly randomized in a basquet!

What will the pokemon look like?: Mod is being generous and will let the person who recives the pokemon egg decide what it will look like when it hatches!

Are Shinys and Legendarys included?: Yes! However when the basquet is left, it will say if its either a Shiny or Legendary. And if you get a Legendary, you must make it look child like, it can grow up and become strong and how it should look, but it must look baby like when born.

Can I get 2 in the same blog?: No, however it is one per blog, so if you have another blog you want to enter as well, go ahead!

How long will this event go?: The event starts today and will end on March 30, Any reblogs after that day will not be accepted

Thats all! May the Surprise commence!

Dex: OOOOOOO~! Zzzt I would like a mystery ghost Legendary egg pleazzz. Shiny or non-shiny is up to you~ It will be interesting to see what the otherzzz will do with it. Of course us common ghostzz won’t be anywhere near it, but it will be entertaining nonthelezzzz~