Character Creation Questions for the Muse! Send in a number!


1- What’s their full name?

2- What’s the reason/meaning behind their name?

3- Do they have a nickname? What’s the meaning behind it?

4- Do they have a false name? Why? Does it have any meaning?

5- How old are they? How old do they appear?

6- What is their eye color? Do they have to use glasses or contacts? How good/bad is their vision?

7- What is their weight/height? What kind of body type/build do they have?

8- What is their skin tone/type? If they have fur, how long is it? Does it have any markings or patterns?

9- Do they have any distinguishing marks?

10- What are their prominent features?

11- How attractive are they to others?

12- Are they healthy? If no, why not?

13- What’s their favorite color? Why?

14- What’s their least favorite color? Why?

15- What’s their favorite music? Why?

16- What kind of food do they like or have to eat?

17- What kind of books do they like to read?

18- How do they get around?

19- Are they a daredevil or more cautious?

20- How do they handle being alone?

21- Name any good habits they have

22- Name any bad habits they have

23- What are their favorite hobbies or pastimes?

24- How would they like to spend a rainy day? A sunny day?

25- Where do they come from? What is their culture? Any traditions or things of that sort in their hometown?

26- List out their immediate family. How good is their relationship with them?

27- Are they diurnal or nocturnal? Early bird or night owl?

28- What are they afraid of? What are they not afraid of?

29- What are their goals? How are they going to achieve those goals?

30- Are there any obstacles that might get in the way of their goals?

31- How well known are they among the common folk? Is it for a good reason?

32- Do they hold any secrets? What are they?

33- When confronted with danger, how would they react?

34- What is their species? Describe their species and their features

35- What is their basic story?

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