Pokemon Asks: TMs (ORAS)


TM01:Hone Claws – What is one sure fire way to pick a fight with you?
TM02:Dragon Claw – What kind of mythical beast would you want to be?
TM03:Psyshock – Share one thing you enjoyed that you didn’t expect to.
TM04:Calm Mind – What relaxes you?
TM05:Roar – Name something that scares you.
TM06:Toxic – How does someone get on your bad side?
TM07:Hail – What bad habits do you have?
TM08:Bulk Up – What would you like to be able to improve about yourself?
TM09:Venoshock – Talk about what can ruin your day.
TM10:Hidden Power – Share some hidden talents.
TM11:Sunny Day – What improves you day?
TM12:Taunt – Share some trash talk/pick a fight with someone.
TM13:Ice Beam – Name something that makes you cry.
TM14:Blizzard – How do you react to being angry?
TM15:Hyper Beam – What is something you’ve gone overboard with?
TM16:Light Screen – What do you want to protect?
TM17:Protect – Share what you’d give your life for.
TM18:Rain Dance – Do you believe in luck?
TM19:Roost – Where do you feel safe?
TM20:Safeguard – Are you superstitious? 
TM21:Frustration – How do you process or work through your emotions?
TM22:Solar Beam – Do you have any aggressive traits?
TM23:Smack Down – Are you quick to anger?
TM24:Thunderbolt – What do you think is unavoidable in your life?
TM25:Thunder – Share something shocking that happened to you.
TM26:Earthquake – Talk about a very emotional experience you’ve had.
TM27:Return – What bad habits do you have?
TM28:Dig – Do you tend to avoid responsibility?
TM29:Psychic – Do you believe in fate?
TM30:Shadow Ball – List some things you consider scary.
TM31:Brick Break – How do you think you’ve improved?
TM32:Double Team – What do you think are some of your good points?
TM33:Reflect – Do you treat others how they treat you?
TM34:Sludge Wave – Do you suffer from any physical ailments?
TM35:Flamethrower – How do you exact your revenge?
TM36:Sludge Bomb – What insults do you use when pushed too far?
TM37:Sandstorm – Name some pet peeves.
TM38:Fire Blast – What is something others do that bothers you?
TM39:Rock Tomb – What do you do when someone backs you into a corner?
TM40:Aerial Ace – What kind of skills do you have?
TM41:Torment – Do you ever feel guilty about your choices?
TM42:Facade – Have you ever pretended to be something you are not?
TM43:Flame Charge – Are you prone to being reckless?
TM44:Rest – Can you sleep easy at night?
TM45:Attract – How can someone get your attention?
TM46:Thief – What do you envy of others?
TM47:Low Sweep – Are you willing to use underhanded tactics?
TM48:Round – How do you handle betrayal?
TM49:Echoed Voice – Do you talk to yourself?
TM50:Overheat – What does it take to get you flustered?
TM51:Steel Wing – What do you do to express your gratitude?
TM52:Focus Blast – How well do you focus on tasks?
TM53:Energy Ball – What gets you pumped up?
TM54:False Swipe – Share some moments when you were merciful.
TM55:Scald – Name an instance you were burned by someone.
TM56:Fling – What are you careless about?
TM57:Charge Beam – Are you tactical or impulsive?
TM58:Sky Drop – When have you let someone down?
TM59:Incinerate – What have you done in anger that you regret?
TM60:Quash – What sort of goals do you have?
TM61:Will-O-Wisp – Who seems out of your reach?
TM62:Acrobatics – Do you have trouble saying no to others?
TM63:Embargo – What can you not go without in your life?
TM64:Explosion – Do you have a temper?
TM65:Shadow Claw – Do you tell lies?
TM66:Payback – Is there anything someone might take revenge on you for?
TM67:Retaliate – Can you forgive and forget?
TM68:Giga Impact – Share something that changed your outlook on life.
TM69:Rock Polish – What do you like to do in quiet moments?
TM70:Flash – What do you find disorienting?
TM71:Stone Edge – Would you be willing to surrender?
TM72:Volt Switch – Do you have any advice to share?
TM73:Thunder Wave – When have you been unable to act out of fear?
TM74:Gyro Ball – How do you handle failure?
TM75:Swords Dance – When you gain the upper hand do you gloat?
TM76:Struggle Bug – Are you inclined to avoid hard work?
TM77:Psych Up – Name a popular trend you fell into.
TM78:Bulldoze – Do you have social grace?
TM79:Frost Breath – What do you do when you give the cold shoulder?
TM80:Rock Slide – Share an accident you had that had consequences.
TM81:X-Scissor – How do you handle success?
TM82:Dragon Tail – Name something you thought you’d lost that you hadn’t?
TM83:Infestation – List some things that frustrate you.
TM84:Poison Jab – What do you do when slighted? 
TM85:Dream Eater – What fears do you worry will become reality?
TM86:Grass Knot – Share some obstacles you’ve overcome.
TM87:Swagger – What do you do when your pride is wounded?
TM88:Sleep Talk – What do you dream about?
TM89:U-Turn – How do you get out things you don’t want to do?
TM90:Substitute – What bores you?
TM91:Flash Cannon – What fantastic things you believe in?
TM92:Trick Room – Are you a gambler?
TM93:Wild Charge – Do you consider the consequences before acting?
TM94:Secret Power – What do others look for from you?
TM95: Snarl – What do you hate to be told?
TM96:Nature Power – Which weaknesses do you hate?
TM97:Dark Pulse – Name some childhood fears.
TM98:Power-Up Punch – What do you fight for?
TM99:Dazzling Gleam – What amazes you?
TM100:Confide – Who do you trust?